Foxcroft Goes Green

By Lizzie Wilford ’12

This semester, Foxcroft joined the Green School Alliance, a group of independent schools that work together in creating a smaller carbon footprint. During the month of April, we competed in the “Green Cup Recycling Challenge,” a contest in which we gained points for the percentage of recycling and garbage bins in Schoolhouse that were correctly sorted.
The recycle bins are to hold only recyclable items (empty bottles and cans, cardboard, and clean paper products) and the garbage bins are for candy wrappers or full juice containers. We lost points for each recycling bin that has any un-recyclable products and for garbage bins that had recyclables in them. During the Challenge, members of the Engineering Class and Blue Planet (our environmental awareness club) made presentations and reports to the community urging everyone to become more careful recyclers. It’s pretty annoying when one gooey candy wrapper ruins a whole recycling bin!

The competition ended last week and we came in 13th place, tied with Madeira School, out of 32 schools in the Chesapeake Bay region. We are proud to have earned the Recycling Steward Achievement Level and we are continuing to encourage “clean recycling” in hopes of excelling in the competition next year.
Joining the Green School Alliance is another step on our path to becoming a “greener” school, along with many water- and energy-saving initiatives recently adopted, the Engineering Class’s solar panel project, and plans to build a new LEED-certified dormitory that will use geothermal heating and cooling.
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative STEM program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.